
Showing posts from February, 2023

Data Structures UNIT I

  UNIT-I Algorithm Analysis:- Algorithm Analysis : Introduction to Algorithm, Algorithm Analysis, Asymptotic Notations. Introduction to arrays and Abstract Data Type (ADT) Lists : List using arrays and linked list- Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List. Introduction to Algorithm Algorithm Definition: - An algorithm is a set of instructions that are used to solve a problem. (Or) An algorithm is a Step By Step process to solve a problem, where each step indicates an intermediate task. Algorithm contains finite number of steps that leads to the solution of the problem. Properties/Characteristics of an algorithm:- Algorithm has the following basic properties 1. Input: - An algorithm has zero (0) or more inputs. 2. Output: - An algorithm must produce one (1) or more outputs. 3. Finiteness:- An algorithm must contain a finite/countable number of steps. 4. Definiteness: - Each step of an algorithm must be stated clearly and unambiguously. ...